Sunday, June 27, 2010

High time we got rid of the old guard

Everytime I see a football match I get more disheartened with the game. The ongoing South African World Cup is no exception. On the same day, in two crucial knockout matches, the referee decided the outcome of the game before a stunned and speechless world. In one game a legal goal was not awarded and, in the second, an illegal goal went up on the scoreboard. Football is the only sport where a consensus need not be reached on a foul to determine the sanction as dictated by the rules. The referee has absolute dictatorial powers and can do as he wishes. All this occurs because football's world governing body, FIFA, is headed by a stupid, stubborn old man who thinks he is God's gift to the beautiful game.

Football belongs to the players and their fans and not to Sepp Blatter and his band of idiots. It's time to get rid of the old bastard.

Blatter refuses to accept techological aids such as goal cams and video replays to resolve dubious line calls. He says it will slow down the game. Helloooooo! Hey Sepp, have you ever seen what happens whenever one of your refs makes a controversial call? The game comes to a screeching halt as players swarm the zebras to demand an explanation. So how is that quicker or more effective than a video replay?

Another thing that's really dumb is this concept called "stoppage time". Seriously, is there anything more inane? What's the point in having a game clock if at the end of the match you can add on anywhere from one to five minutes or even six or seven? Here's a quick fact in case you haven't been watching your own games, Sepp. On average, the ball is in actual play only 26 minutes during any half. Wouldn't it just be easier to have two 30 minute halves and a time keeper to stop the clock everytime the ball goes out or the referee blows his whistle? This way game delaying tactics such as last minute substitutions become a non-issue. The game is played the full 60 minutes regardless of fouls, faked injuries or substitutions.

The other stupid thing about football is how referees interpret the rules. Golf, which is much more complex, and has inifinitely more playing variations and circumstances, has a rule for every kind of situation a player may encounter on the course. And the rules leave no doubt as to what action to take or apply. Football is the only sport where the referee is free to interpret the rules to his own liking, such as what constitutes an intentional or unintentional handball in the penalty area, or how or if a player is offside. Here's a clue, Sepp: if you can't apply the rules to the same standard in EVERY game, get rid of the rule. You either apply the rules equally to everyone or you don't apply them at all.

What's clear is that the sport has to evolve and needs to leverage the benefits of technology. The referee can never have the authority to determine the outcome of the game, or have we forgotten the Champions League semifinal match between Chealsea and Barcelona in 2009? Otherwise, we're not talking about the beautiful game, Sepp. We're talking bullshit - you're bullshit.